Mini-Jon’s Experiments
Welcome to the world of Mini-Jon!
A curious little guy with mischief enough for three, Mini-Jon has a unique talent for getting into trouble! Every moment is an adventure when he’s around. Step into a fantasy world where humour and science come together in an explosive mix.
Mini-Jon’s gang

Mini-Jon is long on curiosity, intelligence... not to mention energy! This rambunctious little guy has a hard time anticipating the consequences of his actions, much to the chagrin of Henry the Scientist, who would like his hyperactive student to pay a little more attention to his lessons. Properly channeled, his abundant energy could help him accomplish great things.
For those of you wondering about Mini-Jon’s origins, BEWARE! Our little hero isn’t the child version of Super Agent Jon, but rather his clone!

Mini-Jon’s best friend, Mini-Maple was created by Q using a handful of Agent Maple’s hair. She is calm and kind, but sometimes has her head in the clouds. Even in risky situations, our little daydreamer is easily distracted by things around her: a butterfly, a pretty flower, a sunbeam... But like Mini-Jon, she has incredible potential.

Henry B. Belton
Henry, the Agency’s lead scientist, against his will has been put in charge of Mini-Jon. Being a parent and teacher is a challenge for the anxious loner, particularly given his pupil’s explosive personality. And while he won’t admit it, deep down inside, he has affection for the little rascal and enjoys the adventures Mini-Jon draws him into.

Uncle Plasma
Archimedes Plasma (or Uncle Plasma, as Mini-Jon calls him) is Henry’s scientist colleague who is in charge of the Agency’s building on the Moon. When Henry needs a break, he just sends Mini-Jon his way. Luckily, on the Moon, explosions aren’t quite so destructive!

Q, Henry’s psychopathic brain, is forever talking Mini-Jon into trouble, just because he loves seeing Henry lose his cool. But the scientist and his brain stay together in spite of it all, because they both know that they are far more intelligent as a team.

Artificial intelligence in holographic form, Eva is probably the character who gets along best with Mini-Jon. She likes his strong personality and rebellious side, which others don’t always appreciate. She thinks he’s the most entertaining member of the Agency, and she loves it when he comes to see her for a vaccination or a stomach ache, often imaginary.

A creature created from a monkey’s eye and formula V, Byzantine has become Mini-Jon’s pet. At first she was pretty aggressive, but Mini-Maple and Mini-Jon managed to tame her and make her their friend.

Mini-Jon’s travels
The government armoury
Mini-Jon’s very first adventure! He got access (or rather, he gave himself access) to all the government’s experimental weapons technology, and he even blew up their secret base! It was a hair-raising incident for the man responsible for creating Mini-Jon, President Tiberius, who swore he would never attempt cloning again.

Ancient Rome
The one time Mini-Jon travelled through time, he visited Ancient Rome to find out a bit more about the historical period to help him with his homework. His adventure wound up lasting a few months, giving him time to... become the emperor! Despite Henry’s efforts to repair the time line, you can still find traces of Emperor Mini-Jon in the history books.

The Agency’s lunar base
Mini-Jon LOVES visiting the lunar base. The Agency’s technologies on the Moon are even more fun than the ones on Earth.

Mini-Jon “borrowed” a flying saucer from a gang of aliens who had come to harvest the tooth he recently lost (it’s a long story), and he visited the planet Celinus. He loved his trip and even made friends with the Celinian supreme leader!

The Kanukigaruboundorimanesh volcano
Mini-Jon never actually visited this volcano, but he loves to pretend he is a secret agent waging unimaginable, epic battles with the arch-villains who live there. And since he had to do an oral report on the volcano, he is the only one who can pronounce its name!

The mini-universe
Henry’s most incredible invention to date, the mini-universe was created thanks to the discovery of six forms of elemental matter and energy. The universe is the size of a watermelon, but it contains thousands of planets and living beings. Mini-Jon and his friends even got the chance to go inside... But getting out is another story!

Mini-Jon’s toy box

The Celinian spaceship
Mini-Jon promised the visiting Celinians he would give them back their spacecraft, but instead he hid it in a cupboard at the Agency. Sometimes at night, he takes it out to visit other worlds... But mum’s the word! Henry mustn’t find out!

The prism
A prism that separates light into colours? Borrring. A prism combined with a molecule separator that creates different coloured versions of Mini-Jon? Wow! Hours of fun! And a huge mess in the lab for Henry.

The talking plant
A birthday present from Maple to Mini-Jon, the talking plant (Little Plant, to her pals) is Mini-Jon’s friend. She doesn’t make many appearances, but, since she likes to talk, she puts Mini-Jon to sleep at night by telling him long, cockamamie stories.

The poodle replicator
As the name suggests, this invention replicates poodles. When Henry is asked why he invented it, his answer is always the same: “With your limited intelligence, you couldn’t possibly understand!”

The universe synthesizer
A few months after discovering orange energy, Henry discovered green and black energies, making him the first scientist to identify the six forms of energy that make up the universe. The discovery raised the question: can all of these energies be brought together to create a new universe? The universe synthesizer is the answer. This revolutionary gizmo is extremely dangerous. In the wrong hands, it could wipe out the world.

The molecule separator
This revolutionary invention isolates the components of an object. For example, if you put an orange in it, the peel, the pulp and the juice come out separately. It’s handy for figuring out what things are made up of. Or for juicing an orange.

The orange energy reservoir
Orange energy is a form of energy Henry discovered with the help of Mini-Jon, who has an impressive amount of energy himself. After a number of tests, false starts and explosions, Henry eventually managed to contain it (orange energy, not Mini-Jon’s energy) and use it to power part of his lab. As one would expect, Q tried to use it to give himself superpowers, without much success.

Formula XYXXYZ
Formula XYXXYZ is derived from formula V, created from mauve energy. Unlike formula V, it can’t create life, but it can make any form of organic life grow to monstrous proportions.

The orbit disrupter
Mini-Jon’s homework seemed so simple: to create artificial snow. After a few failed attempts, he took Q’s advice and came up with the unthinkable. He created a machine that could change the Earth’s orbit, moving it farther from the sun. It would be the last homework assignment Henry would give him.

Antigravity rings
The antigravity rings make anything they’re attached to ultra-light, making it easy to transport incredibly heavy loads. But Henry’s invention requires lunar crystals as fuel. Mini-Jon, who has no shortage of these precious minerals (or of imagination), got the bright idea to put rings on Byzantine, turning him into a flying creature!